Missing Max


19 Jan 2024

Good Morning. 1,694 miles to run and it’s blowing 30kts. JH happy - I’m not!

So with this being an alternative blog and not so much to write about after a stormy night - max gust recorded of 37kts I thought I would give a little insight into accommodation on Yemaya.

JH has taken the palatial aft cabin. I can reliably advise this has 2 double berths - well one double and one king size - as well as the most luxurious en suite.

I mention the en suite because unlike the crew quarters, this runs fore and aft and therefore relatively unaffected by the rolling. The crew en suite on the other hand runs across the boat - ok once seated but involves considerable gymnastics to get comfortable.

Stephen has taken up residence in the main saloon, a good choice perhaps driven by the close proximity to the biscuits. The only problem has been a leak from the hatch carefully aimed at SQ’s sleeping bag - no problem in the aft cabin!

I am in the fore peak. It’s a bit like sleeping in a washing machine in terms of the noise of the spin and straining boat, but also the rinse, soaking my bed linen - not a problem in the aft cabin!

I have now moved to a quarter berth protected by a lee cloth.

So as you can imagine, all of this preamble led to a bit of a ribbing of JH yesterday as he heads off for bed time, preceded by a nip of rum and a Cuban cigar.

Despite drawing all of this to our fantastic skippers attention, he is not for moving and the crew can suffer in silence.

1,692 miles to run.

Bye for now. Missing Max