Missing Max


27 Jan 2024

Last night and this AM was a blustery time with gusts to 34 kts. Yemaya took it in her stride and on the positive side another 172 miles covered.

202 miles to run the end is tantalizingly close but the wind lighter - fingers crossed it holds.

So for much of this trip SQ has taken it upon himself to make porridge and JH generally excellent dinners.

Dishwashing and tea seem to have fallen within my responsibilities. I’m not complaining as the worst cook the World has known and those that know me know that food is purely fuel.

Anyway in response to Katharine’s remarks - she has a lot to answer for it is Lasagne tonight using part of what was left of SQ’s spaghetti bolognese and adding some additional ingredients. I did want to put in another lot of mince being a meat fiend, but the Skipper wasn’t for it.

You can imagine the swearing trying to make white sauce, heat the meat and layer it up with everything on the move but job done it’s in the oven.

Last night we had a bird for company - v handsome he was. He landed on the solar panels first but they were too slippery so settled in for the night on the liferaft. Apparently he is a member of the Gannet family and therefore probably some distant relation of the Skipper.

He tucked his head under his wing and slept for the night before heading off for food in the Morning. 199 miles now.

Bye for now

Missing Max