Missing Max

Final Atlantic Blog

3 Feb 2024

Just sitting on flight at Schiphol Airport and conscious of how lazy I have been not posting.

It was wonderful to sail into St Maarten in the dark and see all the lights glowing from the islands.

And felt weird after 3 weeks at sea to finally anchor and share a few drinks.

I promised to be honest in these updates and so many mixed feelings.

Mentally 3 weeks on the ocean has not been easy and definitely not recommended for all. Of something goes wrong you really are on your own.

For a couple of weeks we suffered a difficult sea but this was caused by the wind coming from the NE which was favourable to Yemaya.

But and a big “But” there have been so many upsides ranging from some fantastic sailing to spotting a turtle to dolphins swimming in phosphorescence alongside to finally arriving.

Yemaya too has been a star bravely shouldering whatever the Atlantic threw at her.

As for our Skipper: Well he truly did us proud in terms of leadership, cooking even when the seas were hellish and repairing all the little niggles that needed attention.

And yes: He did make it across this time mast intact!

A huge thank you to:

For the most wonderful experience and a huge thank you to anyone who has been bored with these blogs.

I will be posting various things to keep this going for anyone interested, having started seems a shame to stop but signing off from our Trans Atlantic.

Bye for now

Missing Max