Missing Max

Leaking Water, Flying Fish and Sewing Machines

17 Jan 2024

Well here we are 13.27 and not much to report.

The engine was leaking water last night so JH at his happiest again in an oily bilge problem solving. Then straight up and on with bread-making, now in the oven.

The highlight of the Morning coffee conversation was around “sewing m/c’s with JH and SQ outdoing each other in terms of ownership and knowledge. Apparently some are better than others for stitching clews of sails.

I know nothing about sewing m/c’s but I now know there is a specialist sewing shop close to Haymarket for anyone interested.

This Morning a flying fish had landed in the deck - quite a sight watching them flying over the water. Jock is making up some lunch currently and I’ll report back shortly on the quality of the baking.

Back now and the verdict on the bread - well being a greedy person I could have eaten the lot in one go. Bye for now

Missing Max