Missing Max


26 Jan 2024

390 miles to run, these past few hundred miles are particularly difficult for us all as we think about getting to the end.

Unfortunately the wind is to turn potentially light and fickle and the swell continues to throw the boat around although we are making good progress today.

Much time to reflect, I set out on this trip, probably in the wrong mental state but basically to help a good friend deliver his boat across the Atlantic and if I chose to do the Antigua Classics, hopefully to earn my stripes and position on n Yemaya.

For these reasons this has has been an emotional roller coaster from delayed grief to missing loved ones and of course Max.

What one does realise is the importance of loved ones and friendship in life and heartfelt thanks to all who have read these ridiculous blogs but your support is hugely appreciated.

As for Max it is natural to miss a Spaniel who has been so loyally by my side these last 4 years - one thing I have decided is Max is going to join us most of the time on SOM - I refuse to be parted from him for so long again. And heartfelt thanks to Pat for taking such great care of him.

The first week on board was a low point as so far to go and a sense of isolation on the ocean - you really are on your own.

Then routine kicks in and days drift by.

These last few miles are torture - so close yet so far.

I should also mention my shipmates. Two better shipmates one could not have. We are all so different yet no arguing, no blame - just support and teamwork.

All of that said, whilst I will always have seconds along with JH, half a bar of chocolate disappeared in to thin air the other night - JH did own up to this.

More recently chocolate and nuts seem to have disappeared - nothing to do with JH or myself.

Looking forward, so much to do and enjoy with loved ones and much less to take for granted.

As for my colleagues we do support each other - would I ever do this again - never!! Will I look at it as a great experience - absolutely I hope so.

Bye for now Missing Max