Missing Max

Sextant Talk

16 Jan 2024

Good Morning.

We are working 3hr watches. The night watches always seem longer. Jock is sleeping well and had to be roused at Midnight - no problem - and then to make amends turned up 3hrs early for his next.

I’m on 6 until 9 as I tap this out - quite pleasant watching dawn materialize.

Jock has appeared and we have hoisted the Main and adjusted the headsail so speed has increased to c. 7kts.

Any way JH announced we’d “earned a cup of tea” followed by “would you like a cup of Earl Grey?” Only JH mid-Atlantic could pose that question.

Mid-Morning coffee - always good - the conversation started well until it reverted to boring sextant talk for the next 20 mins. If only I could remove the “tant” from the spelling the conversation might become spicier. Not so I’m afraid, “longitudes, latitudes, sun angles, deviation prevailed. I’m not doing any of this but might as well be at the Nautical College in Glasgow for the amount I’m learning - a bit like passive smoking, if you’re in the same room you suffer the outcome!

It then moved onto a much more interesting topic, petrol tools in the garden - chainsaws seemed to win before reverting to various types of binoculars - I think I’m cheap and cheerful in that department.

Dinner last night was a spectacularly good JH recipe which filled a gap. I thought I was as greedy as JH before he spooned the remaining sauce out of the pan and then licked it clean.

That’s it for now. Missing Max