Missing Max

So Close, So Far

22 Jan 2024

Good spirits this AM with only 50 miles to run but the wind is down a notch and taking an interminable length of time.

We are still on porridge for Breakfast - SQ is the best porridge maker Scotland has known. Anyone who thought SQ’s porridge making skills were bluster pre-cruise are most certainly wrong.

Lots of flying fish around and the occasional occasional bird following us but otherwise little marine life. JH reading up on Cuba - I’m reading all about Boris and coffee revolves around Rees - Mogg.

Going to stop this for a while as getting bored with my writing if anyone has any questions or topics they would like raised please email JH and we will respond with our usual aplomb.

24 miles to run to 1K and I will post more then.

It’s now 21.15 UK time and we have 997 miles to run - yes that’s hundred and not thousand. A stiff rum - red wine for SQ is helping us along.

The wind looks a little steadier over the next few days. JH below now working his usual magic for dinner. More tomorrow.

Missing Max